New legislation will require all employers and managers to take appropriate steps to eliminate and minimise health and safety risks in the workplace.  This includes identifying possible workplace practices, actions or incidents which may cause, or contribute to the mental and/or physical injury or illness of workers and then taking actions to eliminate or minimise these risks. It also involves developing a prevention plan and reporting on health data.

Our integrated safety approach combines our Mindsafe and Backsafe programs to address the psychosocial and physical hazards in the workplace. 

We help businesses move away from post-event reactive controls and move towards proactive and preventative controls through structural changes to work design and systems of work.

We also help managers develop their own mental resilience along with systems-based management skills to address complex and interconnected safety issues.

We deliver this through our Bizsafe program which uses contemporary evidence-informed practices and a systems-based approach to give a holistic view of organisational, social and environmental risk factors so as to identify, assess and prioritise controls to build physical & psychosocial power.


bizsafe safety training

Bizsafe for Managers – 6 hr session to address both physical and psychosocial risks and set up process to proactively manage and mitigate hazards by identifying hazards, implementing risk controls and developing a prevention plan in an integrated way.

Bizsafe for Senior Leaders – 6 hr session to develop a systems-based implementation plan that tracks, reviews, learns and adapts ongoing actions for all stakeholders across the organisation.


CONTACT US TODAY TO discuss your training needs

You can engage us as a trainer or consultant to set up your WHS processes and documentation.